Grid Converters

The Power Conversion System for industrial and public power grids

The transition of power grids to accommodate the increasing decentralized infeed of renewable sources is posing new challenges for our industry customers. To answer these new questions of energy efficiency, we developed the SINAMICS PCS (Power Conversion System) grid-converter: for a better configuration and integration in industrial and public power grids with minimal effort.


Optimization of electricity costs, thanks to peak shaving

Cover peak loads with power stored from when usage is lower. This lets you take optimal advantage of the contractually agreed electricity demand and avoid additional costs for peak demand periods. You also improve your supply reliability, because you’re able to cover peak loads independently of the grid.

Backup power: reliability for your plants

In the event of a power outage, an appropriately dimensioned battery storage system provides you with sufficient power to stabilize ongoing processes and coordinate their termination. This helps you to avoid potential damage to your plants and the resulting production outages.


Green footprint: optimally deploy your resources

If you have your own power generation, battery storage is the optimal way to compensate for volatility, for example in the case of PV or wind energy. This allows you to cover your own requirements with as much carbon-free electricity as possible.

STATCOM: compensate reactive power

SINAMICS PCS can be used to compensate reactive power in the industrial grid, and in this way comply with the power factor in accordance with the grid operator’s specifications. This enables you as operator to optimize your energy costs.

AUTSOLUTION offers various automation solutions from unit devices to process control in order to effectively operate in industrial environments.

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